WDC Annapolis Day Rocks the Maryland General Assembly

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An energetic team led by Advocacy Chair Leslie Milano hosted a lively, activity-packed Annapolis Day for WDC members and state legislators on February 26 at the House Office Building in Annapolis.  The day began with a pre-event (optional) visit to the weekly Women’s Caucus meeting, where newly elected House Speaker Adrienne Jones and Senate President Bill Ferguson stopped by to greet WDC members, sharing their support for several WDC priority bills and applauding our legislative activism. 

WDC President Diana Conway launched the official program, with a welcome to members and guests and a quick outline of the day’s events.  Advocacy Committee issue captains then briefed the group on WDC’s 2020 priority bills (addressing affordable housing, aging, criminal justice, education, the environment, gun violence prevention, health, working families).  Attendees then received a useful “15-Minute Meeting Pie” on making the most of each meeting with legislators.    

Then, armed with a great packet listing legislator, committees, and WDC legislation, the group moved to the Senate gallery to observe the Senate in session.  Montgomery County’s own Senator Nancy King (D-39) was recognized for receiving that day America’s Public Broadcasting Stations’ Champion of Public Broadcasting Award for her ground-breaking work on a 2017 bill (SB1034), an innovative funding mechanism for Maryland Public Television. After leaving the Senate chamber, the group assembled by district and fanned out to meet with their senators and delegates to advocate for WDC priority bills. 

Members of our County delegation then joined WDC at lunch to share about their 2020 priority bills and field questions. Nearly 100% of the Montgomery County delegation either spoke at the WDC luncheon or met with WDC members in one-on-one meetings, and those few that were not available sent their regrets. 

Among the most discussed bills were HB 1300/SB 1000, the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future, also known as “Kirwan.”  The Kirwan Commission plan will raise Maryland’s early childhood, primary, and secondary school systems to the level of the highest-performing systems in the world. Many legislators predict the bill will pass this year, but they also anticipate funding battles that might reduce the chances for passage for some of WDC’s other priorities, such as the bills for a state pre-release center for incarcerated women.  Also frequently mentioned were bills to prevent the financial exploitation of vulnerable adults, to require background checks for sales of shotguns and rifles, to enact a Maryland version of the Affordable Care Act (should the federal law be repealed), and to prevent employers from asking prospective employees about their salary histories. All of these issues disproportionately affect women. Our Montgomery County delegates and senators showed strong support for most of WDC’s priority bills. 

After President Diana Conway’s wrap-up, group members headed to hearings on some of our bills.  Many attended the Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee hearing on the women’s pre-release center. The committee is chaired by newly-elevated Senator Will Smith (D-20) and heard powerful testimony on why (when there are nine such facilities for men), Maryland women inmates deserve a protected environment to prepare for life outside prison walls. 

Advocacy Chair Leslie Milano, JoAnne Koravos and the whole team deserve our thanks for a successful and beautifully planned Annapolis Day 2020.  Please check your emails for alerts to contact our legislators on WDC’s priority bills or sign up through MyWDC to receive alerts so you can take action too.