Update On WDC’s Actions to Repeal Our Confederate State Song

WDC’s advocacy in reaching out to our legislators and asking them to act to repeal our Confederate State Song, "Maryland, My Maryland", is having results. Thank you to all of our members who contacted their elected representatives.
On July 14, the Montgomery Democratic Party passed a Resolution that strongly supports the efforts to repeal "Maryland, My Maryland" as our State Song and urges the Maryland General Assembly to repeal this song in the 2021 legislative session.

On July 28, the County Council passed a Resolution calling on the Maryland General Assembly to replace our State Song Maryland, My Maryland and discourage its use at official Montgomery County events including public school events and graduations.  All members of the Council sponsored this Resolution which was initiated by Councilmember Evan Glass, and co-led by Councilmembers Gabe Albornoz, Will Jawando, Hans Reimer and Council President Sidney Katz.
Maryland is the only State with a Confederate State song. The State legislature must still act during the 2021 General Assembly to repeal Maryland, My Maryland. While all signs point to this happening during this next session after ten failed attempts, WDC must continue to work to ensure that once a bill is drafted and assigned to a House and Senate Committee for hearings, the bill is passed and enacted by the Governor.
If you have not already done so, call or email your State Senator and Delegates and ask them to publicly support the repeal of "Maryland, My Maryland" as our State Song, regardless of whether there is a replacement, and agree to co-sponsor a future bill that does this in 2021. WDC hopes that our entire Delegation will agree to this action. Here is a link to our Delegation’s contact information.

All across the Country, States and local governments are taking action.  Hopefully Maryland will join this movement to correct the way our history has been told. As Councilmember Evan Glass so eloquently stated,  “The Maryland State Song is yet another example of a false and offensive glorification of the Confederacy, an antiquated ideology of division and hate, which has no place here in Montgomery County or the State of Maryland. We need a State Song that unites us and celebrates the beautiful diversity that exists in Maryland.”